Seducing Jordan: A Second Chances Novella Read online

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  “Yes.” The word escaped as a plea. Rick moved in so close that his breath touched Jordan’s lips. Callused fingertips brushed his cheek. He closed his eyes, not wanting Rick to see the depth of his need. A firm hand gripped the back of his neck and their mouths crashed together.

  Chapter 4

  Rick kissed Jordan greedily, his tongue invading every crevice to savor the taste. He wasn’t sweet like Cynthia. He was spicy and masculine. Their teeth scraped together as he nibbled Jordan’s lips.

  Hands on his hips pulled his pelvis against Jordan’s. A hard cock pressed into him, and he rubbed his own against it. Desire and relief poured over him. This was what he’d been missing with Cyn.

  The glide of skin on skin intoxicated him, hard pecs against his chest, thick arms encompassing him. Strong hands squeezing his ass.

  He grazed his teeth along Jordan’s neck, licking away the salt and finding the earthy taste beneath. He sucked, but not so much as to leave a mark. That would be hard to explain when they got home.

  He slid his tongue across Jordan’s clavicle. Jordan groaned and ground his pelvis into him. He nuzzled the soft blond hair on Jordan’s pecs, then found a nipple and bit. Jordan cried out, a breathy yelp thick with lust.

  The sound kicked open something in his chest, a happy satisfaction mingled with desire. They had been friends so long, they just fit together, reading each other like words on a page. He liked being rough, and Jordan seemed to like it, too. That was good. He intended to be a whole lot rougher.

  Jordan tore into Rick's fly. Lips warmed the flesh of his neck while a firm hand massaged him though his briefs. The heat of desire rose from his center. Fingers cradled his balls, the touch whisper-soft. A groan rumbled in his throat.

  “If I touch you,” Jordan said, “promise you won't hate me.”

  “Could never hate you.” He kissed Jordan’s temple, wanting to protect him from the slightest pain. “Want it so bad.”

  Jordan's hand slid under the waistband. He palmed the shaft and skimmed his thumb along the cap.

  A rush of pleasure turned his vision dark. He tugged Jordan's hair, drawing his head back, then covered his mouth with his own. Jordan returned the kiss, still pumping Rick’s cock. Despite his being a virgin, his touch was firm and sure.

  “Good.” Rick’s voice was strangled. Desire dulled his senses, all except the feel of Jordan’s hand on him. Some part of his brain told him he should reciprocate, wanted to. But he was intoxicated with kissing Jordan’s mouth, palms sweeping the broad stretch of skin and muscle on his back.

  Jordan pulled away, breathing hard. “Need you.” He sank to his knees.

  Oh fuck. Excitement burned through him as Jordan tugged down his shorts. This wasn’t how he’d envisioned it, but he sure as hell wasn’t going to complain. He cupped Jordan’s shoulders in his hands.

  As Jordan lowered the shorts and briefs to mid-thigh, the cool air hit his hot cock painfully. Jordan slicked the precum over the head. “Do you want me to do this?” His voice was thick with uncertainty. Eyes gazed up at him.

  Affection stirred Rick’s heart. “Jordy.” He laced his fingers through his friend’s hair.

  A tongue circled the tip of his penis. Tightness gripped his diaphragm so he could barely catch his breath. Lips slid down his shaft.

  He snapped his head back, desire rumbling through him. Fucking amazing. He tightened his grip on Jordan’s hair. He didn’t have to fantasize, because this was sweet fantasy come to life.

  In his downward gaze, the sight of his cock sliding between Jordan’s lips hurled him toward orgasm. The suction of Jordan’s mouth stole his will. He hadn’t wanted to come like this, but now it was all he wanted. His mouth formed words to encourage his friend, but the sound escaped as grunts. A constriction in his shaft gave its warning. “Now!” he gasped, shaking as hot fluid shot through him.

  Jordan kept sucking until Rick fell to his knees. He wrapped his arms around him and pressed his forehead into Jordan’s neck. A warm glow of happiness pumped through him.

  “Was that what you wanted?” Jordan asked.

  He pulled back and looked into Jordan’s eyes. They were soft, unsure, vulnerable. Love surged through his chest. He murmured in Jordan’s ear, “I want everything. I want you.”

  He pulled Jordan into a kiss, tasting his own bitter essence. Jordan sucked his lips and painted them with his tongue. His body turned greedy, wanting to possess him, become one with him. “I’ve never felt like this before,” he said. “Wasn’t sure I could.”

  Jordan’s Adam’s apple bobbed, and his eyes shone.

  He shucked off his shorts as he rose to his feet. Jordan joined him. Rick glided his hand across Jordan’s chest and down to the lean torso. His body tingled at the sight and feel of Jordan’s hard, muscled form, the ridge of soft blond hair leading south from Jordan’s belly button.

  Desire quivered in his stomach. “Your turn.” He unzipped Jordan’s jean shorts, not knowing what he was going to do next, but knowing he had to get his hands on that cock. He’d seen it plenty of times when they showered after a football game, but lately he’d been imagining running his fist down the thick shaft, satin skin covering hot steel.

  The erection popped out of Jordan’s briefs as he lowered them to the floor. Damn, it was beautiful—thick and rosy purple, elegantly cut. He slid the back of his fingers down the length.

  “Mmm,” Jordan murmured. Between lingering kisses, Jordan undressed and got into bed.

  Practical matters filled Rick’s mind. He hunted down a box of tissues in the bathroom and put it on the nightstand. In his shaving kit he found the bottle of lube. He left the condoms inside—didn’t want to freak Jordy out. But he intended to use them before the weekend was over.

  He sucked in his cheeks imagining it—Jordan bent over for him, taking him in that most intimate of ways. He’d never wanted a man like that before, but he wanted Jordan.

  Lust swirling through him, he joined Jordan on the bed, the covers pulled down to their ankles. Jordan’s cock bobbed playfully.

  So fucking hot.

  “Want me to jerk you off?”

  Jordan nodded, eyes closed.

  He smiled. He got the lube and squeezed it onto his hand. “This will be cold.” Jordan sucked in his breath, but the rhythm of Rick’s palm quickly warmed the lube.

  Jordan’s tongue flicked out and licked his lips. That vulnerable expression tugged at him, and the impulse to give Jordan pleasure sizzled under his skin. The cock in his hands was hot and responsive, putting Jordy totally in his power. With his thumb, he stroked the seam between Jordy’s balls. That earned him a sweet moan. He leaned down and kissed a pink nipple.

  Jordan whimpered. “Yeah.”

  He bit the hard nub and increased the pressure on Jordan’s cock. Each stroke caught Jordan’s entire length, from tip to root, in a spiral motion. He spread the precum along the slit. Jordy cried out. His cock quivered just before cum shot out over his belly and chest.

  Rick kissed him, teasing his tongue and sucking his lips. Jordan was pliant in his arms. He grabbed the box of tissues and cleaned Jordan up, enjoying the look of bliss etched into his lover’s features.

  Lover. He lay back, Jordan’s head nestled on his chest, and settled into a contentment he’d never known.


  Jordan listened to Rick’s heartbeat, lulled by the soft touch of fingers combing through his hair. Happiness swelled his chest until it ached. This was literally a dream come true—but like any dream, it couldn’t last. In two weeks, they’d be starting college in towns four hours apart.

  This wasn’t a beginning. This was goodbye.

  Tears gathered in the corners of his eyes. The two of them had been friends since they played light sabers during recess in first grade. He had known leaving Rick would be hard. Now, it was unimaginable.

  A wave of grief rolled over him. He couldn’t hold back his tears, even though Rick would hate him for being such a woman. He rose from Rick
’s embrace and headed into the bathroom, leaning against the vanity to steady himself.

  Rick followed, wrapping his arms around him from behind, chest pressed to Jordan’s back. He didn’t say anything—just waited while Jordan spent his emotions.

  Finally, Rick murmured in his ear, “Are you sorry?”

  The question fired through his mind, and his stomach clenched like a child’s fist clinging to a favorite toy. He turned to look into Rick’s dark eyes. “I wouldn’t trade this for anything. Even though it’ll hurt like hell when you leave.”

  “You don’t know what a gift you’ve given me. When I’m with you, I feel joy.”

  A thrill suffused his chest. Maybe there was a chance for them, even if only a slim one. “You don’t feel weird? I sucked your cock.”

  “And it was fan-fucking-tastic.”

  He grinned. “All forty-five seconds of it.”

  Rick punched his arm.

  “Do you always go off that fast?”

  “Not with Cyn. I have to listen to her complain about her sore jaw…” He rubbed his palms over his face. “Shit. I have to break up with her.”

  “You already agreed to see other people. That’s one foot in the grave.”

  “I know. But we’ve been together so long—it’s a habit.”

  “Like me loving you.”


  In the sticky nighttime air, Jordan bounced the volleyball, trying to shut off his brain. He couldn’t believe he’d told Rick he loved him. Stupid. And Rick’s only response had been a kiss.

  Beneath the lights, the green of the volleyball court shone against the darkness. He and Rick, shirtless in the heat, had attracted a couple of spectators, girls in their early teens. He avoided eye contact. No point making them think he might be interested.

  He looked across the net at Rick. His eyes glared, his lips pressed into a thin line, but Rick knew better than to hurry him. It would only slow him down.

  His quiet patience had been a tempering force to Rick’s impulsiveness their whole lives. In elementary school, Rick had been the kid the teachers had to shush at assemblies, had to scold for running through the halls. His humor and kind heart had kept him from getting into too much trouble even though he constantly pushed the boundaries. Plus, he’d been a cute kid, big brown puppy-dog eyes and an always smiling face. It was impossible to stay mad at him.

  Jordan tossed the ball into the air and shot it over the net. Rick took two steps back and got under it, sending it back with powerful ease. Jordan jumped and smacked it back with one fist. Rick spiked it, but it hit the net and landed on his own side.


  “That’s what you get for showing off.” He took the ball Rick handed him. “We’ve talked about this,” he said, imitating the condescending tone of their old Little League coach. “Use your skills. Don’t make a spectacle of yourself to impress the other boys.”

  “Fuck you.”

  Jordan served again, and Rick hit the ball hard. It landed on the line. “Nineteen all,” Rick said.

  Jordan tossed him the ball. Rick served, and he returned it, but barely. Rick spiked it at the net. Jordan shook his head and swore.

  “Game point.” Rick served, and the ball bounced right past Jordan before he could react. “Take that, fucker.”

  He squinted, but elation rose in his chest. Rick’s eyes shone, his mouth pulled into a wide smile. His muscled body glistened like a Roman gladiator’s. Jordan fought the urge to kiss him. That wouldn’t do here under the spotlights with those girls watching.

  He and Rick picked up their shirts and left the volleyball in the bin. They followed the moonlit path back to their cabin. Rick brushed an arm against his as they walked, casually, like it was unintentional. The crotch of his shorts grew tight.

  The night breeze cooled his sweat-slicked skin. He wanted to get Rick into bed, lick his body clean. He might not have Rick’s heart yet, but if fucking him into oblivion was the way to win it, he was sure as hell going to try.

  As the screen door slammed shut behind them, Rick said, “I’m starved.” He took the peach cobbler from the fridge and stuck it into the oven. Jordan went into the bathroom to wash up, and Rick joined him at the other sink.

  With their washcloths hung on the rod to dry, Rick grabbed Jordan’s ass and pulled him in for a kiss, mouth hot and greedy. He relaxed against Rick, sliding a hand behind his neck, holding him close.

  Rick’s lips trailed down Jordan’s neck to a pointed nipple, then over to his armpit. He licked and sucked. “Love the smell of you.”

  He didn’t think he could get any harder, but those words did it. Who knew armpits could be so erotic? Rick’s tongue on him was tantalizing yet so gentle, he wanted to cry.

  Don’t say you love him. Tell him you want to fuck him. No, not that. He might think you mean…

  The oven dinged. “Shit.” Rick pulled away. “Don’t want that to burn.”

  He panted, body quivering with want. Rick sure as hell was no romantic. He followed Rick to the kitchen, frustrated desire clenching his jaw and curling his stomach.

  Rick scooped the dessert into bowls, wisps of steam rising. The fragrance of peaches woke the hunger that Rick’s kisses had lulled into slumber.

  Jordan poured two tall glasses of milk and set them on the café table in the breakfast nook. He turned on the Phillies game on the big-screen TV.

  Rick brought over the cobbler, and they sat to eat their dessert. It was touted as home style, but it didn’t taste that way—probably used shortening instead of butter. Rick’s mom’s peach cobbler was renowned in their neighborhood, and he and Rick could devour one in a single sitting. The oversweet store-bought version couldn’t compare.

  He leaned forward for his glass of milk, and his knee brushed against Rick’s. He gritted his teeth to fight the thickening in his groin. After years of denying himself from indulging those feelings, he didn’t have to do that anymore.

  Rick wiped the stray juice from the side of his mouth with a napkin. Jordan wished he could lick it off instead. Four hours ago, he thought he’d never have a chance with Rick. Now, the thought of leaving him hurt like an auger drilling into his heart.

  “So are you gay or bi or what?”

  Rick chewed, then took a sip of milk. “Bi, I guess.”

  “You still like girls?”


  “So when you get to college, you’re going to date women, and make them just as unhappy as you’ve made Cyn.”

  Rick’s brow pinched together. “What’s your problem?”

  The doughy pastry sat like a wooden block in his stomach. “You’re leaving me.”

  “You’re leaving me, too.”

  He tapped his foot. “Except you don’t want a long-distance relationship. You want to date girls.”

  “I’m just coming off a three-year relationship. Fuck, Jordy. I’m eighteen years old. I’d like to date for a while without a commitment. Is that so much to ask?”

  He finished off his milk. “I can’t compete with girls.”

  Rick grinned and skimmed his fingers along Jordan’s hand. “They can’t compete with you, either.”

  The teasing left his stomach hollow. Picturing Rick with someone else opened the gash in his heart wider.

  “Jordy, please. I’m not rejecting you. This is about me. I’ve got stuff to figure out. Like whether I’m really gay, or just gay for you.”

  “That’s a ridiculous expression, used by guys in denial about their sexuality.”

  “I don’t think that’s true. You love who you love.”

  His head hammered. There was no chance of the two of them leaving this cabin with Rick as his boyfriend. If he tried to push Rick into something he wasn’t ready for, it would destroy their friendship. Then he’d have nothing.

  “Do you love me?” He bit his cheek. He couldn’t believe those words had left his mouth.

  Apprehension darkened Rick’s eyes. “As a friend, sure. As a lover…too soon to say,
I guess.”

  He hated sounding needy. His heart was involved, and Rick’s wasn’t. “You’re using me. You’re confused about your sexuality, and you’re using me to figure it out.”

  Rick reddened. He sat back, arms crossing his chest. “This isn’t about sex. If I’d understood what these feelings meant, I’d have broken up with Cyn for you months ago.”

  He swallowed. Rick moved his chair close and took his hand. “I’m here because I want to be with you. I don’t know about the future, but right now, today, I want you more than I’ve ever wanted anyone.”

  He was tempted to throw himself at Rick’s feet, lay his head in his lap, listen to those sweet words wash over him. Yet the ache in his chest wouldn’t go away. He didn’t want today from Rick. He wanted forever.

  “I realize the timing sucks,” Rick continued. “I’m nowhere near ready to be open about my sexuality. I just found out today that I actually like guys…or at least, I like you.” Rick kissed his hand. “If you were anyone else, I couldn’t have trusted you enough to do this. You’re my oldest friend. I would die for you. You said yourself, you’re glad we did it, even though it hurts.”

  “Does it hurt you?”

  “Of course. But the chance to be with you is worth it.”

  He wasn’t sure he believed that. Maybe Rick had a crush, but Jordan was in love. Not the same thing.

  He rose and placed the dishes in the sink. He flopped onto the couch in front of the TV.

  Rick joined him, leaving a space between them. “I wish you weren’t mad at me.”

  “I’m not mad.”

  “You said you weren’t sorry, but I think you are.”

  “No. I wouldn’t trade today for anything. But as soon as you get to Penn State, you’ll forget about me and fuck every pretty girl you meet. I’ll have to fuck an awful lot of guys to forget about you.”

  Rick grabbed his arm. “That’s not you, Jordy. Promise you won’t sleep around. A broken heart is no excuse for risking a potentially fatal disease.”

  “Straight people can get HIV too, you know.”